Avengers Movie Biography… Tony Stark aka Iron Man

Tony Stark is/was a weapons developer and owns Stark Industries. After being taken hostage and seen what his weapons do to people, he developed the arc reactor and Iron Man armor and set out to be a super hero.

In the movies, Stark has shown to have battled various terrorists groups such as the Ten Rings, as well has his partner Stane, and the villain Whiplash. Stane and Whiplash are both dead.

Currently, Stark is a consultant for SHIELD, not a member of the Avengers due to his attitude.

New movie armor.

Powers and Abilities

Genius Intellect
– Stark is a certified genius, specializing in machines/mechanics and especially weapons. As seen in Iron Man 1, he created his first suit and arc reactor out of scraps in a cave. He has even created his own A.I. the runs his house and armor. In Iron Man 2, he even created his own element to keep him from dying and power his suit.

– Stark is one of the richest people in the world.

Iron Man Armor
– There are multiple Iron Man suits created by Stark and each seems to be better than the last with improved weapons and armor. The suit gives Stark a variety of powers including:

Flight: The suit is incredibly designed for flight. It can reach super sonic speeds and is able to out maneuver fighter jets.

Hand Repulsors: Stark can use his hands to balance in flight or as weapons that emit a powerful blast. This is his primary weapon.

Central Chest Beam: This is like a giant version of the hand repulsors that provide a much larger blast but takes longer to do and can’t be done repeatedly.

Tank Missiles: A rocket that blew up a tank.

Smaller Missiles: Can be shot with pinpoint accuracy.

Laser Beam: A laser beam that can be shot and seems to cut through essentially everything. Can only be used once.

Enhanced Durability: While in the armor, Stark can take a ridiculous amount of punishment, including getting shot by a tank and walking off afterwards.

Enhanced Strength: Stark has shown the ability to pick up a car, even when using his back up reactor.

Jarvis A.I.: A computer that communicates with Stark in suit. It does everything from tell Stark is power levels or pinpoint targets for maximum accuracy.

Flares: Can deploy flares to keep heat seeking missiles away.

Enhanced Reflexes: The suit allows Stark to have faster an normal reflexes, good enough to dodge a missile shot at close range.

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