Daredevil Movie Rights Going Back to Marvel

It seems that Fox has given up on making another Daredevil movie. They seemed to be trying to get one done before the Fall deadline, but have recently stopped all efforts to produce the movie. Marvel even offered them an extension on getting the movie done in exchange for the rights of Galactus and the Silver Surfer, but Fox refused as they still have their sights set on making a more profitable Fantastic Four reboot.

Most people are happy at least one of Marvel’s properties is coming back to them. Other than Daredevil, they still have lost the X-Men, Fantastic Four, Ghost Rider, and Spider-Man to Fox and Sony. So while it is good they are getting their properties back, this doesn’t mean it is good for people who want to see a good Daredevil movie.

Daredevil is a street level hero. He only recently became an Avenger and that was just the New Avengers. He still rarely leaves Hell’s Kitchen. And his past is much darker than the current movie Avengers.

In short, he doesn’t fit in with the current Marvel Movie Universe (MMU). You can’t make a Daredevil movie like you can an Iron Man or Thor movie. It has to be dark. It has to be gritty. It has to be more Batman than Iron Man. Which means it would have to be very different than anything Marvel has produced in Phase One of their plan.

You can’t simply make a Daredevil movie and then have Fury show up at the end and recruit him to the Avengers. It won’t work. It would be forced. And it would be so far from the comics that the nerds would be pissed.

So it is likely that Daredevil goes into Limbo Land, not to be seen for a very long time. Which sucks if you are a fan of the character like I am. His comic is one of the best out now and you could possibly make a very good, darker, Batman-esque movie with him. But with Marvel focusing everything towards the Avengers and seeminly focusing on the cosmic side instead of the street side, it is very unlikely he will be seen on the big screen in a very long time. The Fantastic Four Marvel could use immediately. Daredevil… not so much.

The only way Daredevil gets introduced with Marvel’s current goals is if they want to make a New Avengers team featuring more street level heroes like Luke Cage and Iron Fist. But I honestly don’t see that happening as Marvel won’t make 10 movies a year lol.

Cage, Daredevil, Iron Fist

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